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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Happy Birthday Taylor!

Sally: This has been the best year with T. Having Collins together has been the most fun, incredible, challenging, and beautiful experience, and that is in large part because I have the best partner in T. He is the most present, thoughtful, and dependable dad. He is always thinking ahead of the game. All the qualities I have always loved about Taylor have become even stronger this year. He has grown so much professionally and personally. Fatherhood suits him. I can’t wait to continue this adventure together. 

Lucy: One thing I love about T is his intentionality. As long as I’ve known Taylor he has made a point to find time to ask thoughtful questions and catch up when we are together. A favourite memory of mine from this past year was the Wilkinsons hosting Christmas for the first time and getting to sit around Sally and Taylor’s table for an amazing toast by T and a handwritten letter to each guest. It really showcased Taylor’s ability to be intentional with each of his friends and family members in his home, even in the midst of having a newborn! Love you, T! I hope to be like you when I grow up ;)

Trey: One thing I love about Taylor is that he is willing to go the extra mile for those around him. Although he leads a busy life (a successful career, taking care of a family, cultivating friendships), he has not hesitated to help me with any career and life questions I may have. He's adamant about checking in and wants to help wherever possible. I'm grateful to have new big brothers like Taylor and Kyle, who I know I can count on for anything. Happy Birthday, T!

Emily: Happy birthday to Papa T! I have loved watching Taylor become a dad this year. I have always admired Taylor for his thoughtfulness and kindness, and watching those traits magnify as he adores Collins has been so sweet. Taylor is always a good time and I loved staying with Sally and T right after Collins was born, and we were so happy to have him visit us in Connecticut in May! I also love when Taylor cracks up at something (probably out of left field) that Kyle has said or just something funny that happens admidst the busy nights with family. He is always bringing positive vibes to the family!

Kyle: Taylor, happy birthday, however old you are. I may be repetitive year after year, but I love having you as a brother-in-law and will continue to say it every year. Nothing says it more than when my friends get the chance to spend time with you and speak so highly of you after. You’re always a great hang and outside of the MacBook saga in Athens 2017 we never butt heads. Can’t wait to get you back state side next year.

Cathy: What I love about Taylor is how much he adores Collins. He watches her every move and gives the most thorough commentary on how funny, sweet, or amazing she is. As a dad, he makes an effort to care for her properly. He takes no shortcuts. You are a wonderful dad, Taylor, and Collins knows it. She adores you and is watching your every move, too!

gPa: T, Happiest of birthdays to my first son-in-law. What a joy it has been to have you in our family, to watch you grow personally and professionally, and now to watch you grow as a father to Collins. I am so incredibly proud of you and all you stand for. The way you go about life is truly an inspiration. Keep being you!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Lucy and Trey's Wedding: Some fun videos

Snippet from the ceremony beautifully officiated by Brian Lee.

"I could go see the good Lord tomorrow after seeing all my kids dancing on that stage." - Cathy's words.

Sally and Emily's toast at rehearsal dinner.

18 seconds of Singletary girls enjoying Trey's dance with his mom.

Lucy and Trey Wedding: Photos trickling in

Monday, July 8, 2024

Lucy May and Trey Barfield: Father of the Bride Wedding Toast

Good evening. What an honor, as father-of-the-bride, to toast Lucy and Trey as a newly married couple. Before I begin, please bow your heads for a blessing.

Dear God . . .

This is an amazing day, and with great joy I ask your blessing on the marriage of Lucy and Trey. I give thanks to all here tonight to celebrate. Your love and support, and your encouragement means everything to Lucy and Trey.

In our thoughts are those who can’t be here in person but are here in spirit and live in our hearts. We want to remember fondly some of Lucy and Trey’s grandparents who watch from above. And we think of other close kin who were not able to travel.

May our time together tonight be full of love, laughter, and good cheer. Bless this meal . . .and thanks to all who have prepared and made today possible.

In Christ name I pray. AMEN

[More wedding photos here: Lucy and Trey Wedding: Photos trickling in.]

[And some cute video coverage here: Lucy and Trey's Wedding: Some fun videos.]

Cathy and I want to thank and recognize Trey’s parents, Karen and Greg. You have been so wonderful to get to know and to share in this year of wedding preparation and celebration. A special welcome to Greg’s mother and Trey’s grandmother, Linda. 

Lucy has some surrogate Grandparents here tonight whom I want to recognize: our Aunt Dianne and Uncle Pat McDowell. Dianne and Pat have been so special to all of us through the years. They embraced Lucy in a very special way when she was little and my mother passed away. They made her a part of super fun weeklong Grandparent camps in Elizabeth City and our epic family beach trips to the Outer Banks. 

Later tonight, a special cake called Beach Cake will be served. It’s a twelve-layer chocolate cake that Dianne always provided each cottage during our summer gatherings in the Outer Banks. Lucy wanted that as her wedding cake, so Dianne made it happen.

Brian, that was a beautiful service and so special that you and your family are here. To Stephanie and Brian Lee and your wonderful children, thanks for making Lucy part of your family while she was in College Station. It gave Cathy and me peace to know she was loved and cared for after we moved abroad.

For many of you on the Lucy side of this gathering, you might think, weren’t we just doing this? A year ago, in the spring, Cathy and I were in Austin for a full month leading up to Emily and Kyle’s wedding. We were around Trey quite a bit on that trip.

We returned to London in good form and full of happiness having had the chance to spend quality time with so many special friends and family, including Trey. I don’t think we had been back in London more than 24 hours when my phone rang, and I saw it was Trey calling. 
“Hello, Trey.”

“Mr. Singletary, how are you?” 

“I’m great Trey, what can I do for you?” 

“Well, I need to come to London to see you and we need to have a talk.”

“Okay, I see. We need to talk. Couldn’t we have talked in Austin, last week? 

“No sir. That was Emily’s wedding. And this needed to wait until after that was over.”
Not more than two weeks later Trey arrived in London, telling Lucy he was spending a weekend on a ranch with buddies. We talked, played golf, had meals together, toured around London a bit, and Cathy and I were thrilled that Trey had decided he wanted to marry our youngest daughter.

Trey flew back to Tennessee and shortly after he and Lucy went on a 14-day hike in the French Alps, where Trey carried an engagement ring burning a hole in his pocket for ten days before he got down on his knee and popped the question overlooking the Pennine Alps in front of Mont Blanc. He even wrote and read Lucy a poem. I have asked for permission to share part of that tonight.

Cathy and I, along with one of Lucy’s favorite cousins, Lauren McDowell, were able to spend time with Lucy and Trey in beautiful Annecy, France, after their trekking trip ended, and the wheels were in motion so to speak. After all the excitement, Cathy, Sally, Emily, and I encouraged Lucy to wait until 2025 for her wedding. Sally had just found out she was pregnant, Emily and Kyle were in the middle of an unexpected job search and relocating to the Northeast, and my wallet needed a rest from the last time I saw many of you on a dance floor in Austin.

A week later, Cathy and the girls met in Atlanta to help Sally with a big design installation, an every Singletary girl work-a-thon. During that trip, Lucy whipped out a meticulously prepared spreadsheet with every possible detail about what she wanted this weekend to be about and when she wanted it to happen. I remember Cathy calling me and simply saying she bamboozled us all. There will be a wedding next summer, and it will be in Tennessee. Buckle up and buck up!

So here we are, and that brings me to this . . . 

At Texas A&M, where these two met, they like to say that if it happens twice, it is a tradition. This is my third Father-of-the-Bride toast, and I see no reason to go off script. I used a framework from a favorite cousin, Chris Oakey, in my first two. Chris suggested what he calls The Three H’s . . . a little bit of history, a little bit of heart, and a little bit of hope.

A little bit of history . . .

Lucy was born on March 13, 2000, in Nashville, TN. Cathy and I had wanted a third child for some time, but it was not in the cards. After multiple miscarriages, we had decided we were blessed with two amazing daughters, and maybe it was time to accept that we were done. But Cathy got pregnant at age 40 one final time, and a special doctor we knew figured out why she kept losing the babies.

We were five or six months into what appeared to be a well-conceived pregnancy when a routine ultrasound revealed our new little girl was going to be born with some pretty significant birth defects. Cathy is a pediatric physical therapist, and a very gifted one, so we thought if any family could handle a special needs baby, it would be us.

Three months later, our baby entered the world at Vanderbilt Medical Center, surrounded by a team of neonatal specialists who would be taking the baby by c-section straight into surgery. I’ll never forget being in that birthing room when Lucy took her first breath. A delivery nurse, who appeared to be towards the end of her career, brought Lucy around the curtain and let me hold her for a brief minute. As she put Lucy in my arms, she looked me in the eyes and whispered, ‘Ain’t nothing in the world wrong with that baby girl!’

Wow! That was all the doctors could say after a series of tests revealed that all was indeed fine. “Sometimes we get it wrong, and sometimes God has other plans for our babies.”

We had a healthy third baby, and our family was complete. We named her Lucelia May Singletary, celebrating my lifelong friendship with Ricky May and in honor of his mother, Louise May, whom we all adored. When Ms. May heard what we were doing in typical fashion, she said, ‘She can have my name as long as she is pretty, smart, and very funny.’

You nailed it LuLu . . .

Approximately three months after Lucy’s birth, a young man named Trey Harper Barfield was born in College Station, TX. 

I understand Trey had many nicknames through the years, including Little Trey-Trey, which matches well with our Little LuLu. 'The General' was the name given to Trey by his brother, Kyle, when Trey was about 18 months old because he was a bossy little thing and ordered everyone around. Mighty Mouse, given to him by his junior high football coach, and how his father still has him listed on his phone today. Ice Trey is just a silly name given to him by his dad. And the obvious ones, TB, T-Barf, Trey-Barf, Trey-Bar, T-Bar.

Lucy was also a girl of many nicknames, including the previously mentioned LuLu, LuLu Lemon, Luboo, and Goose.

A little bit of heart . . .

As quick as Lucy was with math problems, or spelling bees, or science questions, what really separated her from the pack was her high emotional intelligence. We often thought she was reincarnated because of how ‘wise beyond her years’ she would be in certain situations. This is her true gift. She has, and always has had, an uncanny way of connecting with and supporting others.

Trey has many of these same qualities. He is a fabulous athlete and played middle linebacker on a Texas 5A State Championship football team. For those of you not from Texas, this is high-level stuff, and it shows what kind of athlete and leader he is. 

Like Lucy, Trey has great people skills and a high emotional IQ. I asked Karen to share some stories about Trey, and she told me that as tough as our little General was, he was also very sensitive. It didn’t take much to discipline him as a little guy. He rarely got spankings. All that was necessary was a slightly raised voice and to say, “Trey Harper,” and that bottom lip would pooch out, and tears would form in his eyes.

The acronym RELLIS stands for the six Texas A&M Aggies' core values: respect, excellence, leadership, loyalty, integrity, and selfless service. These two exemplify this code, especially the last value, selfless service.

Trey and Lucy met through Young Life, the Christian organization they both were part of in high school and then as team leaders in college. They both gave many hours of their college years to mentoring and helping high school students at their respective high schools where they oversaw the programs.

Lucy was so dedicated to her ‘Young Life’ students that she spent most of her free time in college at Rudder High School. So much so that I would sometimes hear Cathy on the phone with Lucy. “Lucy, would you please go to a party tonight instead of another high school volleyball game.” (I don't remember hearing that type of conversation when Sally and Emily were in college? (-; )

A little bit of hope . . .

Many of you know I enjoy writing poems, or ditties, as we call them. I should give a shout-out to Ken King, our Nashville neighbor, who was the greatest ditty writer I ever knew. Ken, his wife Ann, and Becky Eagle were special neighbors in Nashville and Lucy’s godparents. And it means to world to all of us that they are here tonight.

So my ditty tonight is a little different. With permission, I have used Trey's poem from Mont Blanc, and interjected some of my thoughts as well.
Lucy, I have never written a diddy before,
I probably should've had Page help;
I hope you like it; I've given it a lot of thought
Here goes nothing; giving it all I got

Go Trey go, you didn’t ask for my aid
But you did fly to London, that was well-played

Lucy May, you're the apple of my eye
Girls like you are hard to come by
You're beautiful, loving, strong, set apart
There's no one I'd rather choose to be my counterpart

Trey, young man, you have indeed done well
All us Singletarys know our LuLu is quite swell

Now let's throw it back to about 3 years ago
who would've ever known
That the girl I met on College Ave
Would be the very best friend I could ever have

Yes Trey, friendship is important when you join as one
It makes a marriage successful and a whole lot of fun

We've grown so much closer to God and each other over the years
When I think of the blessing you are to my life, it brings me to tears

Well said Trey, continue to treasure Lucy in every way
And if you don’t, you will have to deal with Uncle Ricky May

You prove to me more and more every single day
That you are the girl I want to be with until my hair turns grey
You are someone who pursues beauty, adventure, and truth
And I believe if we chase those things together, we'll see so much fruit

Yes, you will Trey, dream big stay strong
Keep writing her poems and singing her songs

Being in a place like this reminds me of the Larger story
The story of Life which results in Love, Abundance, and Glory
And that's a story I want to be a part of with you
You're my puzzle piece, I’ll admit it, it's true

There is a bigger story Trey, you clearly understand
Keep your faith and know God has you in his hands

Lu, the past 2 and a half years have been the best moments of my life.
I’m expectant of many more but with you as my wife
Well, I’m feeling pretty bold, and my heart’s filled with glee
Lucelia May Singletary, one question, will you marry me?

Well done, Trey, Lucy said yes, emphatically so
May your love for each other grow and grow . . .

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Happy Birthday and welcome to the family Trey Barfield!

Happy Birthday, Trey. I asked everyone to add a little marriage wisdom as part of your first official 'One for Trey' on this very special birthday weekend. (Apologies, I missed by a day getting this out!)

Sally: Happy Birthday Trey! We are all so excited to officially have you as a part of the family. My best marriage advice and wish for you, and Lucy is that you take on the adventures and opportunities life throws at you. If you feel charged to take on a new job or city, do it together. Together, you are unstoppable, and anything is possible! 

Taylor: Trey, welcome to our family. I have found that we get to make certain choices in life and marriage is the best of them. I hope you remember every day that you actively made this choice, especially when marriage gets hard. Focus on the joyful parts and forgive the hard parts. We’re happy for you and always here for you.

Emily: I’m so happy to have Trey as our new brother-in-law! Trey constantly checks in with Lucy and always wants her to be happy. I know Lucy thinks of Trey as such a comfort and best friend. My marriage advice is to continue to tackle every day together as a team, no matter what comes your way. It’s a gift to have your favorite partner in it with you!

Kyle: Happy Birthday and wedding weekend. In the theme of wedding advice for your “one for,” I will rip off/ quote Admiral McRaven from his book and tell you to do the little things. Big gestures are great, and they happen, but remember to help clean up, make breakfast in bed, surprise her with dinner, and grab some flowers on the way home. All these little things make everyday life so much better. You may even enjoy these little tasks as I do! Enjoy the little moments all the same. Running errands together, sitting at home and hanging out together, and cleaning up around the house together. All these things you may not look forward to each day like you look forward to a big trip, but they become the little joys of everyday life in marriage.

Lucy: Happy birthday, Trey! I’m so excited to be your wife tomorrow! You are joyful and fun, a great listener, always steady, and my very best friend! I don’t have much marriage advice because I’ve never been married before…but I look forward to how we will learn and grow together on this exciting, lifelong adventure. And when the going gets tough (in the wise words of Kyle C), we will “just try again the next day." I’m so hopeful for our marriage and the family we will start together!! Happy 24th birthday, and thanks for sharing your birthday weekend with me ;)

Cathy: I will treasure the three weeks I spent with Trey and Lucy before their wedding. My favorite memory was watching Trey dance Lucy around the house when she was on the verge of a potential meltdown. My marriage advice is to keep dancing. Through good times and bad, just dance. It can make stress disappear and good times even better. Happy birthday, Trey. Welcome to the family! I hope I get invited back one day! 

gPa: Trey, happy 24th. I am so proud of you and honored to be your father-in-law very soon. Thanks for coming all the way to London last summer to ask for Lucy's hand in marriage. That meant the world to both Cathy and me. My marriage guidance to you is to just keep being the person you are! You have such a beautiful way of enjoying life while striving to learn and grow. You also understand the importance of giving to others and being a true friend. I know these qualities will help build a super strong marriage and family. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Happy Birthday Emily two z's two t's

Kyle: Emily, happy big 30. I love you for sticking with me when adversity hit us right into marriage. You were a rock throughout and made the worst time a better time. You're always the calmness that balances us while handling your career and a big move. Thank you, and I love you.

Lucy: There is so much to love about our middle child! However, one thing that stood out to me this year was Em's tenacity amongst significant changes. It is not easy to navigate life's curveballs, and especially not easy to do so with a cheerful smile on your face, friendships flourishing, and still being the person everyone wants to be around most in a room. Her character is steady, merciful to others, and so contagiously fun! I often think about the silly quote, "Your twenties are for learning, thirties for earning, and forties for owning." E, you have mastered your twenties! And I look forward to seeing the reward for all your learning in the next decade. HAPPY 30TH!

Trey: There's a lot to love about Emily, but my favorite thing is that she always tries to make life more joyful. If something isn't going according to plan, Emily doesn't seem to panic but keeps a positive outlook on life and the situation. She is always thankful for the past and expects good to come in the future. I admire that about her. She is also really funny when it comes to telling stories! Thankful for you, Emily! Happy Birthday!

Sally: Happy 30th birthday to our E Bug! Welcome to the thirties club! I'm so proud every day to be your sister. You are kind, beautiful, funny, smart, hardworking, and humble. You have rolled with the punches of the past year in a very impressive and admirable way, staying calm, cool, and collected through a lot of change. You are my role model. I love you so much and can't wait to watch you thrive as the chicest girl in Greenwich!

Taylor: Emily is a great sister to me, but especially to Sally, who has appreciated her support more than ever. I'm really lucky to also have her as a friend. She always makes herself available to talk, provide support, and share some cheap red wine. I have really enjoyed watching her with Collins as it's a side of her I haven't gotten to know before, and she's a natural. I had so much fun with her staying with us over Christmas; she was so helpful. She's welcome back anytime! 

Mom: I love everything about Emily! She exudes joy and happiness from the inside out. Everyone she meets is glad to know her and have her in their life. Making and keeping friends is seamless for Emily. Emily is also smart and works hard. A testament to her work ethic was everyone standing up to support her in keeping her job at Yeti. Emily truly loves and cares about everyone in her life. She is the best mom to Kevin, a thoughtful daughter, a devoted sister, a generous friend, and a loving wife. Keep your light shining, Emily. You are beautiful! 

Dad: Wow, eBug! Happy 30th birthday. Where did 30 years go? You have been such a joy to have as my daughter. Your gifts are many, but perhaps the most special is how you love and care for your most important people and pets (husband, in-laws, friends, co-workers, and family.) You light up every room you are in and make others feel good about themselves. You face adversity with a willingness to learn, grow, and find the positive side of any situation. Keep it going, and remember to balance caring for others with lots of self-care. You deserve it!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Birthday Kyle Two z's Two t's

Emily: What a year with my husband! As I said in my vows, I love how Kyle is always so certain. When faced with the extremely heartbreaking and unexpected job loss, Kyle immediately set out to figure out what was next for our little family. I’m so proud of how Kyle handled the transition and was determined to get back on the life track he is always determined to achieve. It’s been exciting and fun to start a new chapter with him in the Northeast, and I am thankful he is so certain about loving Kevin and me. Kyle’s sometimes difficult to read, but ultimately, he is extremely loyal to those he loves, and I feel very lucky to be the VIP of that club!

Trey: It's hard to nail down one thing about Kyle, but I love that he is unconcerned with what others think of him. He doesn’t try to be anyone he’s not and he does or says what is most right to him in the moment. He is honest with himself and others. These are all traits that translate to success and that I am constantly trying to get better at. He also stayed later in Austin for our couple's shower when he needed to return home for work. That meant a lot to Lucy and me. Thankful for you, Kyle! Happy Birthday!

Lucy: One thing I love about Kyle is that he will never settle for less than excellent. In cooking or his job, Kyle deeply understands his value and the value of others. Kyle has a knack for holding out for the right timing and then taking an ordinary opportunity and turning it into something extraordinary. Although an overall challenging year for the Cazzetta newlyweds, I am so grateful for this quality in Kyle that led E&K to begin again in Greenwich! 

Taylor: Needless to say, Kyle and I are very different from one another, but don’t they always say opposites attract? I’d say that we are a good example of this. Somehow, we managed to find each other in this big world. It was fate that brought us together. Kyle even accepted membership (ceremonially, but don’t tell anyone) into the Universal Life Church for me. I’m glad to be friends with Kyle, and he could easily have said the typical brother-in-law relationship was enough for him, but in typical Kyle fashion, he said, “Fuck that,” and here we are today. I’m thankful for this friendship.

Sally: Happy birthday to my first brother, Kyle. You know I love you very much.  I’m impressed with the way you and Emily have navigated this year. It wasn’t easy, but you rolled with the punches and ended up in the perfect place for you both. I love how you constantly visualize and plan for the best possible life for you and Emily. We can’t wait to visit very soon.

Page: I love having Kyle as my son-in-law. He is full of surprises, keeps in touch, and looks for ways to make life fun for everyone. He loves a good project, like putting a puzzle together, cooking a special meal, or landscaping a yard. And mostly I love how much Kyle adores Emily and wants to make her happy. We had a fantastic visit to Greenwich, highlighted by an amazing evening at The Yale Club. I can't wait to spend more time with Kyle in July and ongoing. I am especially looking forward to some golf in the Northeast when the time is right. Happy BD, Kyle. Make it a great year!

Cathy: Kyle, this has been a turbulent year for you, and I appreciate your determination to secure another job, fortitude to keep a positive attitude, and commitment to Emily as her partner through it all. Always know that Page and I are here for you. You have a kind and giving spirit, and I love how you enjoy cooking and gardening—two of my favorite interests. Have a wonderful birthday, and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Monday, April 1, 2024

Up next: Sally's birthday (doing great things at 32)

Trey: One thing I love about Sally is that she cares for her family! She's always treated me like a little brother and ensured I was cared for. For example, she always ensures I have the coolest clothes from Zara Man. I also love to see her be a mom to Collins. It's really sweet! Happy Birthday, Sally!

Lucy: Not only is Sally freakishly and wonderfully creative, but she has a way of creating her own way and place in the world. There is no challenge she can't overcome or bad attitude she can't beat! The girl doesn't miss a beat (even, and ESPECIALLY after becoming a mom.)  Her can-do, will-do attitude has already taken her incredible places, and I can't wait to see what's in store for year 32! Buckle up, baby C - the world does not happen to your mom; Sally happens to the world. And we are all the better for it!

Emily: Sally is an amazing sister and best friend. There is never a moment when I'm with her that is not full of fun and laughter. She is creative and inspiring, knows precisely what she wants, and influences many people around her. I am so grateful I got to spend time with Sally in her first few weeks as a mother; she is a badass mom, and baby Collins is the luckiest little lady in the world. I'm also incredibly proud of Sally's career. She works hard, and watching how far she will go is exciting!

Kyle: What I love most about Sally is her ability not to skip a beat in the next chapter of life. She’s a wonderful mother, but she didn’t give up everything to be that. Her business rolls on, trips to France and New York are still on the table, and she’s still down for a fun night out. She continues to be herself in addition to being a great mother.

Cathy: What an incredible year you have created and crushed, Sally! You have shown great strength, perseverance, and determination. You set career goals and have attained them. Published not once, but twice. Soon to be three times! You endured your first pregnancy and birth with fortitude and grace. You blessed us all with beautiful Collins. And through it all, you continuously demonstrated kindness and generosity to family and friends. You are a fantastic woman. I am so proud of you. Collins has a great role model for a Mom. I see your spirit in Collins more and more each day. Happy Birthday!

Taylor: Sal is a unifier of people. Here in London, she is the first person many people look to include, and she brings people together. We've got a great group of friends here and talked recently about how lucky we are, but luck only gets you so far! Sal makes things happen, and she looks out for others. I'm glad and proud of her.

Dad: Sally recently told us she has made it her mission to be both a great mom and a dynamic businesswoman. She aspires to be grateful for everything, never bitter, overwhelmed, or a complainer. She intentionally states that she chose to bring Collins into the world with Taylor and to have her own business. Thus, no matter how tired she might be, she chooses gratitude at the end of the day. It makes me very proud to be her dad! Keep being brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous, Sally!

Friday, March 29, 2024

Birthday season in full gear: Cathy rolls on at 64!

Trey: One thing I love about Cathy is her sense of humor. Whenever I spend time around her, she always says something hilarious, which usually catches me off guard. I love how she brings joy to all situations. She is also great at getting stains out of clothes! My favorite meal that Cathy makes is her Enchiladas. They are so good! Happy Birthday!

Taylor: Cathy is completely stepping up with her role as 'Peach.' She didn't miss a beat. I love watching her rejuvenated sense of purpose and fun. We're so lucky to have her around all the time. I'm very grateful to have a mother-in-law I love and enjoy having a glass of red with. My favorite dish of the moment is Cathy's Pad Thai.

Kyle: My favorite thing that Cathy cooks is Crème Brulee. It really was the best I've ever had. More importantly, the year she made it was the first year I spent away from my family for Thanksgiving. In my family, it's our biggest holiday for the largest family. She knew I wasn't happy to miss it, but she went out of her way to make my favorite dessert, which by the way, is a bitch to make. She made me feel loved and like family long before I officially became family. My favorite food shows my favorite quality and why I love her.

Lucy: One thing I love about Mom is that she is so fun to be around! We are so lucky to have a mom we love spending time with, and who makes every moment we are together fun, light, and memorable! Mom is playful and funny and always draws joy from those around her! As Dad would say, she really knows how to "suck the bone marrow out of life!" And I am so grateful that our mom will go to great lengths (even oceans!) to spend fun and quality time with her girls. We are so lucky!! It's simple, but Mom makes the best sandwich I've ever had. Turkey and cheese toastie on sourdough is good for me!

Emily: There is so much to say about Mama Peach! We've had such a big and exciting year, and Mom is so great at having fun and keeping everything together simultaneously. I loved having Mom visit Greenwich and see our new home. She is so generous and helpful, and we are very lucky to call her ours! Mom cooked many great dishes, but I always dream about her lasagna. Even now, surrounded by amazing Italian cuisine, nothing beats Peaches lasagna. Love you, Mom!

Sally: I've learned a lot recently about being a mom, and woah, it's not easy! We have such a good one—I think the best. It has been the biggest blessing to me (and Collins and T) to have Mom around to show us the ropes. We would not have survived these last four months without her. She knows everything and is my light post in all things, baby. I'm not sure how we got so lucky to have Peach down the road in England, but here we are. My favorite thing mom cooks is chicken salad or egg bites; I wouldn't have had nutrients this year without them.

gPa: There is not much I can add to these beautiful affirmations. Cathy is an amazing mother to our daughters and now to their spouses. I love how she can spend quality time with her first granddaughter and how her experience and nurturing are so comforting to Collins, Sal, and T. My favorite dish is lasagne, like Emily's. It is never the same, but always so good.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Lucy May Singletary: Happy 24th Birthday

Emily: I am so proud of Lucy's last year! It's not easy to enter the "real world" from college years, let alone have the challenges Lucy faced at her first job. I'm so proud of her for being aware of her mental health and knowing when enough is enough, but also how she continued reaching out to her friends and family when facing a difficult time and didn't let it beat her. Lucy is wise beyond her years; seeing her now tapping into all her creative talent is so exciting! I also love how often Lucy and I talk and catch up. Her trip to visit me and try on dresses was so easy and fun; I'm so lucky to have best friends with my sisters. I can't wait to be a part of her beautiful wedding. I love that we all get to be together to celebrate soon!

Sally: Happy 24th to our Lucy May!! So much to celebrate on the horizon! I love how Lucy has stayed the course this year. She realized a challenging situation wasn't working for her and made the conscious choice to pivot and find something that would serve her so that she could be the best version of herself. Doing that takes so much courage and wisdom; many would have taken a more passive approach. Now she is building a career in the creative world, shining her light big, and we couldn't be more proud!!

Taylor: Happy Birthday, Lucy! One of your most outstanding qualities is your strong faith. I admire that so much. In our world, it's rare to find someone very firmly committed to anything, and I've seen you exemplify firm commitment with your faith. You have shown it all 11 years I've known you. Seeing life as a father, I hope Collins will emulate this quality of yours. She has a great role model in you. We love you and can't wait for you to make another big commitment this summer. 

Trey: One thing I love about Lucy is how great of a teammate she is. The best teammates sit with you, encourage you when you're down, and celebrate with you when you're up. She does both of those things really well. She looks at every day purposefully and shines brightly to everyone around her. No wonder her name means "Light". I also love how lighthearted and funny she is. I knew she was the one for me when she told me she watched SpongeBob as a kid. I hit the jackpot. Can't wait to be married in a few months! I love you, Lu!

Kyle: I love that you recognized the unhappiness in your current situation last year and made a significant change to correct the course. Life can be scary and volatile sometimes, and it's never easy to make those decisions, but I am so glad it worked out for you. Now, you get to do something you are passionate about and be part of a growing business. Congrats, and keep on keeping. 

Mum: Wow, Lucy. What a year it has been! You have handled your move, TFA, wedding planning, and a new job with poise, grace, strength, and determination. I am confident you have everything you need to succeed in life and marriage. You have a beautiful light. Keep it shining while you reach for the stars. I am by your side all the way. Happy Birthday, sweet Lu. I love everything about you! 

gPa: Happy Birthday, LuLu, from your adoring, grateful father. I could not be more proud of you for all the reasons others have stated above. Resilience, perseverance, reliability, and confidence come to mind. Also, last night, I thought of this famous quote from Marianne Williamson. I shared it with you at dinner, but I wanted to also post it here.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys, 

I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about this.

The Top Idea in Your Mind. YouTube narration here.

“There's a kind of thinking you do without trying to. I'm increasingly convinced this type of thinking is not merely helpful in solving hard problems but necessary. The tricky part is, you can only control it indirectly.”

In short, this essay is about the importance of the top idea in your mind. If you want to know that idea, "just take a shower!"

Some key takeaways:

  • Fundraising for a startup is compared to the challenge of doing the work needed to drive the startup forward. (Been there, done that!)
  • The Nile Perch reference: Have you ever been so worked up over something you can't see the forest for the trees? And while being worked up, do you harm or ignore the things that matter most? (Yep, this, too, has been me! See postscript for more on The Nile Perch.)
  • The all-consuming power money can have on us, and how that is the same power we lose when we obsess over disputes or wrong-doings. (The second part of this takeaway is a powerful topic in and of itself.)
"Getting money is almost by definition an attention sink. The other is disputes. These too are engaging in the wrong way: they have the same velcro-like shape as genuinely interesting ideas, but without the substance. So avoid disputes if you want to get real work done."

How do you respond when someone has caused you harm? Are you hurt once or hurt twice?

"Someone who does you an injury hurts you twice: first by the injury itself, and second by taking up your time afterward thinking about it. If you learn to ignore injuries you can at least avoid the second half. I've found I can to some extent avoid thinking about nasty things people have done to me by telling myself: this doesn't deserve space in my head. I'm always delighted to find I've forgotten the details of disputes, because that means I hadn't been thinking about them.
Hope you get a chance to read.


P.S. "Nile perch were introduced to Lake Victoria in the 1950s to boost the fishing industry. The introduction caused an economic boom but also drove hundreds of species of native cichlids to near-extinction." [ref. Impact of an Invasive Species]

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Dear Harvey: A nice gesture from a top-notch young man, Guy Liljenwall

Hanging with Harvey on the practice tee.

Dear Harvey,

It has simply been too long. I have many golf stories for you, including a magical summer of 2023 after I last wrote from Cornwall. Dear Harvey: Chasing Scratch (in Cornwall) 🏌️‍♂️⚓️⛳️⛵️☀️ - June 1, 2023.

I will be back in touch about the golf trip of all golf trips to Ireland with Uncle Charlie McDowell and his friends (in July) and an equally magical trip to St. Andrews (in August) to visit Ginny and Steve Booton and take on The Old Course. Plus, several other memorable loops around the London area, including Walton Heath Golf Club, which hosted the 2023 Women's Open Championship, a return to Swinley Forest Golf Club, and another crack at the spectacular Woking Golf Club. It would be hard to find three better heathland courses, but that will not stop me from trying! I am absolutely in love with golf in England. My American mates need to know England is every bit as magical and special when it comes to golf courses as the more popular Ireland or Scotland trips.

Do you remember when we lost Eric Liljenwall suddenly and at way too young of an age? Shortly after his death, I spent quality time with Eric's youngest son, Guy, shuttling him to junior golf tournaments and caddying for him. We were a good match, as Emily had left for her University golf career in Savannah, and Guy needed a caddy. I was the man for the job, though far from the excellent player his father was. 

I heard from Guy this afternoon via text message. It warmed my heart to know he saved this note and took the time to share it back with me. Guy is on his way to a successful career in commercial real estate after graduating from the University of Arkansas.

"Hey Mr. Singletary, this is Guy Liljenwall. I had found an old letter you have given me, when we used to play in tournaments together. Started reminiscing about those golf tournaments. I hope you and your family are well!"

And Guy later sent this, which Emily will love:

Shout out to dear friend @Andres Gonzales, who taught me the simple putting drills using a six-inch ruler as an alignment aid. 

I am in a sales meeting this week in Sitges, Spain. Check out my view this morning from my room. (The rest of the day was all training in a crowded conference room, but at least I had the morning view.) 

And then Guy's text messages made my day!

A lot to learn in Spain, but these lights are not the same as the Sitges sunshine above!

Take good care, Harvey, and tell Eric hello.


The 'Guy' in the middle with the first-place flag must have had a great caddy!

Other 'golfy' scribblings:
"Millions of people were charmed by the homespun golf advice dispensed in Harvey Penick's Little Red Book, a sports classic that became the best-selling sports book of all time. Yet, beyond the Texas golf courses where Penick happily toiled for the better part of eight decades, few people knew the self-made golf pro who coaxed the best out of countless greats -- Tom Kite, Ben Crenshaw, Betsy Rawls, Mickey Wright -- all champions who considered Penick their coach and lifelong friend." - Kevin Robbins, author of Harvey Penick: The Life and Wisdom of the Man Who Wrote the Book on Golf.