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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Stay Whole Tuesday: Stillness, Rome, Herb Brooks, and Harvey Penick

I love my messages I occasionally get from Taylor (son-in-law) and Kyle (Emily's boyfriend), pecked 'one letter at a time' on Granddaddy Singletary's Royal. Click image above to see Taylor's thoughts on Stillness and Kyle reminding us that Rome was not built in a day, plus something special from Herb Brooks. I appreciate these notes and the thoughtfulness behind them. Funny to think that Mom and I both took typing classes in high school!

Speaking of Stillness, here's a good one from a Make it a Great Monday back in February: A couple of questions to ponder on MIAGM.
I like the idea of striking a balance between a burning desire to accomplish something that you enjoy but from a place of quiet-confidence rather than a place of fear, ego, or frustration.

And speaking of hockey, I put together a fun four-ball yesterday at ACC with the below group. Ed Healy (under Tom Kite on the right), who played for another legend, Jack Riley at Army, Trevor Schick (blue shirt, new to Austin, COO Amherst Residential), and Andrew Bourdillon (tall South African, UT MBA helping Sal and T with their London relocation plans.) Good time had by all and proving once again . . . using Harvey's famous line: If you play golf, you are my friend.