Going with Louise May and Lucy May on Woman Power Wednesday!
Let’s go back in time 20 and a half years, borrowing from a Nugget I wrote a while back:
On March 13, 2000, Baby Lucy came into the world at 9AM with an operating room full of specialists and surgeons prepared to rush her to surgery. After a series of tests lasting all morning, the doctors announced that she was perfectly healthy. A true miracle!
What a glorious day. We named you after your maternal great, great grandmother Lucelia VanPatton and in honor of our long friendship with Ricky May (i.e. Uncle Ricky) and his special parents. At the time, Ricky’s father, Grandpa May, was gravely ill, though he recovered. A couple of years later, we were all saddened by the loss of Ricky’s mom after a battle with cancer.
There is no doubt that a little bit of Louise May lives on in the young life and spirit of Lucelia May Singletary. In fact, Ms. May made that very clear at the time of your birth, when she stated, "It would be necessary for Lucy to be smart, pretty, and witty if we were to use the family name!" A great example of her wit and fun-loving approach to life.
I am pleased to report you are hitting on all cylinders.
I found Uncle Ricky's notes from his Mom's memorial service. They are hand-written and shown above. Ricky is a captivating public speaker and he speaks extemporaneously, so these notes were it. I immediately zeroed in on number 10 on the list: confidence and courage! Those were two traits that Uncle Ricky got in spades and it never hurts to just repeat those words to yourself when you need a little something extra.
It works!