It looks like yesterday's nugget posted in Verdana (I think I called it Veranda by mistake in yesterdays post). That is a standard template font inside of blogger and it is close to Helvetica, which is what I am using on I just have to remember to change the font each morning when I post, from the default (Times Roman) to the preferred Verdana.
I am thinking of as my Web presence or home base for my personal brand. My goal now is to tie the key social networking sites to home base in a way that helps build my brand. The obvious sites would be Blogger, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Before I 'announce' my site to family, friends, and professional contacts I want to have all of this set up in a way that makes it easy for people to connect and follow me on an on-going basis.
So one of my goals today is to find someone who can help me do this quickly and efficiently.
That shall be my intention for today,