I am walking a fine line with my web and social activation. On one side of the line is: 'dad needs a job in order to pay the bills and put my children through college' and on the other side of the line is: 'could actually become my new career?' Whenever you walk a fine line you are inevitably going to cross over the line in one direction or the other. Someone who might want to hire me, might think, "I like his creative energy and his unique way of getting stuff done, but if I hire him he might spend all of his time on this churnOn stuff?" On the other hand, if I 'hold back' and don't put my creative energy out into the world, how will I ever know where it might take me?
I am going to continue to walk the line and not hold back. This reminds me of Marianne Williamson's famous 'shine on' quote. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure . . . Your playing small does not serve the world . . . We are all meant to shine . . ."
Read full quote here.
Women power,