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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stay Whole Tuesday -Top of mind - 21.2

Kaputa says, "Despite things we've been told, like 'talent wins out,' the reality is more that 'visibility wins out.'" Talent and ability are certainly important, but if nobody knows who you are then you are not as likely to find the opportunities in life that you will most want to find. She introduces a phrase called 'top of mind awareness' to help you understand this concept. When you think of a product category, perhaps 'soft drinks', what brand first comes to mind? Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Dr. Pepper? Companies spend millions of dollars to try and position their brand as the 'top of mind' brand.
It is the same with people. A little bit of fame will give you an advantage over others in your industry or profession. Tomorrow we will look at a fun story that she tells to make the point of something being 'top of mind' about the most famous painting in the world. Can you guess the name of the painting?
Stay whole,