Kaputa makes a few more key points in the chapter on becoming a little bit famous. For example, she talks about the importance of finding an arena you can dominate. One that is not overcrowded with people trying to do the same thing you want to do. She encourages you to think about where there might be room in the channel for you. For dad, my focus is educational technology and sales leadership. I think that is an area where I can dominate!
Another key point that she makes is the concept of 'tooting your own horn (gracefully).' She stresses the importance of packaging your message with a good name and with sound bites, but in a way that does not appear too self-promoting. Here are the guidelines she suggests:
- Use a narrative or story format. This keeps the focus off of you, and puts it on the story.
- Quote other people. When another person sings your praises, it is the opinion of a third party.
- Put the spotlight elsewhere. Don't focus on yourself. Always make it about something larger than yourself.
- Bring the audience into the story. Then it is not just about you.
This concludes my study of Katherine Kaputa's book, You are a Brand! I hope you have enjoyed it? You will soon have a chance to see how dad is about to release his personal brand. I look forward to getting your feedback.
Stay fit,