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Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Monday, April 20, 2020

Shhhhhhhhh (and Make it a Great Monday)

Emma, Amy, Lucy - moving out day (in front of Chi O house)
So proud of these girls. They are healthy, vibrant, smart, strong young women. They have handled this disruption (of their sophomore year) as well as any parent could ever hope. 

Cathy and I enjoyed going to College Station yesterday to help Lucy get her things out of the Chi O house. It was also a chance to see the new rental house for next year, which we loved. It is only a couple of blocks from the stadium, so we look forward to some football and tailgates in the future!

For MIAGM, I'm offering this from 'Always We Begin Again' - The Benedictine Way of Living by John McQuiston II (page 35) on 'Silence' . . .

Remember the great value of silence. 
Each day there must be time for silence,
even in our prayers and meditation.
There must be time within which we
neither speak nor listen,
but simply are.

Consider the value of silence in community.
Our ability to listen should be our gift
to those around us.
Too much talk is a sign of self-centeredness
and insecurity.

If you hear yourself talking excessively,
take care.