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Paul Graham: The Top Idea in Your Mind (Do you have attention sinks?)

Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Friday, February 25, 2022

On the Road Again

 Dear Lucy,

Today is a milestone day. 

It has been two years since I made person-to-person sales calls and took a trip like the one shown above. Flew Austin to Raleigh yesterday and rented a car. Heading to Raeford, NC this morning to visit a Unilever plant where we have a Fusion 360 pilot in full motion. Then I will drive to Sevierville (pronounced seh-vee-ur-vl) for a BAE dinner. It is hard to say and not easy to find, but will be fun. 

On Saturday morning, I will make my way to Nashville for Autodesk One Team Conference. Excited to see colleagues and friends in Music City.

I've always said if I ever complain about or tire of the travel required to be a top salesperson, then it is time to get out. But this morning, I feel energized, excited, and ready to go make good things happen!

Stay fit and I love you,
