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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

WPW - Sally on Maya Angelou

Good morning LuLu,

Today's Woman Power Wednesday (provided by your big sister Sally) is from this podcast with Oprah and Maya Angelou. Here are Sal's bulleted take-a-ways:
  • Prepare yourself so that you can be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. Someone who may not look like you. Who may call god something different than you call god? I may not eat the same dishes that you do, I may not dance your dances, but be a blessing to somebody.
  • The light is always there. Yours to seek and to find. 
  • Words are things, I am convinced. You must be careful about the words you use and the words you allow to be used in your house. In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was God and the Word was with God. You must be careful. 
  • "I am a human being, nothing human can be alien to me." If you can internalize at least a portion of that, you will never be able to say ‘I couldn’t do that’. I intend to use my energies constructively as opposed to destructively. Dream great dreams, dare to be somebody, dare to be bigger than the condition to which you were born.
I liked the part at the 28-minute mark on a mother's love. I dare you to listen to that story and not think of your mom and how much she loves her three girls! 
"And remember this, you can always come home!"
Love you,
