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Monday, August 3, 2020

LuLu launches for Junior Year - Gig'em! and MiaGM

It is officially the first Make it a Great Monday of Lucy's junior year in Aggie-land. What a special (bonus) spring and summer we spent with her! Not the intended situation, but we made the best of the opportunity Covid-19 gave us to be together. I will treasure this summer and I know Mom will especially treasure the daily five-mile walks with Lucy and time spent in the kitchen preparing healthy meals and juicing!

Above, LuLu waves good-bye to 3901-A Belmont Park. Below she says hello to her new room, where she assembled her headboard and hung mirror all by herself. That's what I call a grown-up little girl, ready to take on the world. Let's do this!

P.S. Reminder that Uncle Archie's virtual service is today at 10AM CT. I will send the link on Hoot Hoot.