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Hey girls and guys,  I found the space to dive into another powerful essay from Paul Graham. Please find 15 minutes to read and think about ...

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

WPW - Sally and Betty


Today's Woman Power Wednesday celebrates your sister Sally, as well as her mentor, friend, and first boss Betty Burgess. Sally's last day was this past Friday.

Above are photos from the dinner party celebrating her six-plus years working with Betty. The dinner was hosted by Betty and her husband, Doug in their new home. Also attending coworkers Kinzer and Daniel, plus special friends and suppliers Milton and Greg, who own Interiors Market.

I want to share two things. One a beautiful tribute that Sally wrote for Betty. And two, a prayer of transition, growth, and abundant opportunity for Sally as she enters into this next phase of her personal and professional journey.

Sally's toast to Betty:
Six years ago, accepting my first job, I had no clue the impact it would have on my life. Our bond was immediate and special.  

Your talent in our industry is unmatched. I am so lucky to have learned from the best. You have taught me the imortance of color, the importance of no color, that paying attention to detail can make all the difference, the value in knowing the rules, the value in breaking the rules. The power of a good antique. Balance in a room and balance in running a business and staying true to who you are and the gifts God gave you. You have introduced me to a world I will never leave, to people that I will always love in this city and beyond. I am in deep and it’s a complete obsession. Thank you for sharing that with me. 

But more importantly, you have guided me through some of the most influential times of my life. You’ve encouraged me to find my voice and to share it with others. To trust myself. You have taught me to love spontainty, to approach challenges with compassion and the beauty of generosity. That there is always opportunity to seek and explore a deeper human connection. To slow down and pay attention. At your heart, Betty, you are a teacher. 

I am so lucky to be one of the many to learn from you in the office and beyond. I know I can speak for all of the women who have and will work for you in the future when I say the gifts and wisdom you share with us take hold and as we grow and inevitably leave, they spread to other’s. And that is something to celebrate.

Thank you Betty!

And this prayer for Sally: 

O God, You know Sally better than anyone. Guide her throughout this time of transition. Empower Sally to use her unique gifts to create a beautiful life, to share openly and honestly her thoughts, to respect the opinions of others, and to encourage humility, patience and joy. Instill in her a vision of the life you intend for her to lead. Guided by your Holy Spirit, may Sally be united in love and joyfully accomplish her mission, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.