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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Who was the first Woman Power Wednesday?

Mornin' LuLu,

I was wondering . . .

And sort of blundering . .  .

in my thoughts this 

Wednesday morning.

Who was the very first?

Woman Power Wednesday

Woman ever spotlighted

Ever highlighted

Ever delighted

Ever sort of knighted

Surely I would not . . .

Have been so shortsighted

As to not make that day

All about my number one gal

My top pal

The queen of our morale.

Your MOM!

PS: Proud of mom for her new assignment at work as the early childhood-evaluator for all three-year-olds coming into the district who need adaptive services. A well-deserved and perfect assignment. Those kids are lucky! 

PPS: Also of note, today is Women's Equality Day, which commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting the right to vote to women. For more about that, check out this post on LinkedIn highlighted by our SVP of Design and Creation Products, Amy Bunszel, one of my favorite leaders at Autodesk. The post features Databricks, an interesting Austin-based data and AI company, as well as Coco Brown, founder and CEO of Athena Alliance, an organization you and your sisters should all check out. 

My rock! See first Woman Power Wednesday here.